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Death Producing Life

Saturday Jul 08, 2023

Saturday Jul 08, 2023

This message unveils as to how, the Lord, uses the death of us, to indeed, produce LIFE in others based off of 2 Corinthians 4:7-12.

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023

We each, have been invited, into an intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father, and here, in this recording, your heart, will be stirred to respond, to this invitation. In looking at the biblical historic account of Ruth and Boaz, you’ll be able, to divinely SEE, the intimacy, that the Father, has with us, His beloved’s.
Separation for the Revelation
Separation for the revelation, is just one, intimate nugget received in this message.
Ministered by Apostle Njeri Fletcher
*Please note, due to feedback at timestamp 34:06 the edited part stated, that the redeeming may be today and or, it may be in the future.
(Note: Songs shared in this recording is by Nicole C. Mullen entitled, “God Who Sees” and "I Give Myself Away" by William McDowell)
© All Rights Reserved 2023

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

"Father's Signature Works" - With today's technological advances, signatures are losing their prevalence and significance. Yet, The Father has, was and is still signing HIS Name!  And in light of the forgeries and falsehoods surmounting in these end times, knowing and recognizing HIS authenticated signature is more important now than ever before.  
Ministered by Minister Tiffany Martin

Worry (Spoken Word)

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022

This spoken word is about worry and here, Sista Sepia, is combating worrying and choosing, to walk out Philippians 4:6-8 which reads:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
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Sunday Apr 03, 2022

Minister Lolita Martin, exhorts us here, to DO believe the Lord, for the impossible, based on Matthew 19:26 which reads: But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Changing Our Nature

Sunday Jan 16, 2022

Sunday Jan 16, 2022

Here, Apostle Anthony, shares the word "Changing Our Nature" he received, that correlates, to the current state, we are in, as the Body of Christ and shares insight, as to how, we are in a season of time 2022 and beyond, where the Lord IS changing our fleshly nature, to the very nature of the Lord's. 
All Rights Reserved Apostle Anthony Gladden

Hidden Stones

Sunday Feb 07, 2021

Sunday Feb 07, 2021

This word (Hidden Stones) is an anchor word for our soul, one that causes us to look introspectively, that ultimately, we may have, produce that bares eternal fruit, in the Lord. The foundational scripture, upon which, this word is based, can be found in, Luke chapter 8:11-15.
Apostle Gladden
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New Thing

Saturday Jan 02, 2021

Saturday Jan 02, 2021

Here Apostle Anthony, is sharing how the Lord IS  going to do a new thing in and through His body, yet, in order, to walk in that NEW thing, for His kingdom, we will need to be ye prepared, such that, we can be used and handle, the level of glory, that will, be released, for His glory, through his body.
All Rights Reserved 2021

Pass the Test

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020

In the midst, of the current trials we are facing, with XYZ, and by living in a time, where men, are fighting everywhere, to have it their way, not to mention, other trials, that'll continue, to come our way, here, you will discover, how to be anchored, in the Lord, even the more, and what our response should be, as the body and representation of Christ. 
All Rights Reserved 2020 Apostle Sepia Gladden

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020

This was a blessed opportunity to pray, bless the Lord and reflect on the goodness of God with the ZPR Comrades. Here, this episode communicates our vital need of praising the Father and highlights just a bit of what praise actually produces. Excerpts taken from my soon to be released book.
Sepia Gladden
All rights reserved 2020


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